My two sons were in cub scouts when we lived in England. They both joined the american version once we arrived here and are now both Boy Scouts. I have to say that the Boy Scouts if America are a fantastic organisation.
Unusually (for Americans) they don't think they invented scouting, and indeed regularly and loudly proclaim good old BP.
The lessons my boys learn are useful and long lasting, and they have fun camping out all year round. A week long summer camp (near Crater Lake this year) in the heat to a weekend out in the mountains in February digging and then sleeping n snow caves.
The big difference to UK scouting? Religion. Faith is a fundamental part of scouting in the US. Our own troop is based in a church. If it were not for this (and a great summer day camp program elsewhere) we would not go to church. Despite our own lack of faith (and they don't care what faith, what denomination, what religion) what they are really looking for is goodness of character. We accept their good intentions and they accept us.
Scouting is not for everyone, and I'm aware that they don't accept everyone. That doesn't mean that they are not a worthwhile organisation, and it doesn't mean that they have to change. Long may they last.
Albatross (2015) Fuld Film Streaming
9 years ago