I've been following a blog on the BBC, lead by Justin Webb. I can't actually remember that last non-political thread. Now I am a conservative, but certainly wouldn't call myself right wing, and definitely not extreme. I try to make my points calmly, and try to avoid name-calling. What has stuck me though is the amazing hypocrisy of some of the democratic supporters posting on that blog.
There is outrage at Palin for supposedly trying to ban books, yet views contrary to their own are howled down, reported as being offensive, accusations of racism are hurled seemingly at random, and dissenting posters chased off. Someone even kept a straight face when chasing someone off with the remark 'leave us to carry on our discussions'. So a one-party Obama love-in is now called discussion?
Palin was laughed at for prefacing her remarks about Russia with the observation on how close Russia was, yet a well respected democratic-supporting poster remarked, without any irony or rebuke, that 'From where I am presently based in Asia, Iran is just down the road and Russia just up the road' when explaing his thoughts.
McCain was pilloried for saying 'my fellow prisoners', yet Biden's almost daily gaffes are brushed aside with 'that's just Biden' - as though that's a good thing!
It's been a fascinating lesson in paradigms. People react to what happens or what is said based entirely on their prejudices. The right is evil, so therefore everything anyone on the right says or does must be judged using this premise. The narrow-mindedness of some people is just astounding. Anyone quoting Fox News is ridiculed without what they actually say being even looked at, yet the same ridiculers quote Huffington Post without a second thought. A number of such posters have actually claimed to be 'intellectuals'.
The democrats claim that they are the party of fun, of humour. They just don't get it - they are merely accidental jokers.
I don't lump all democrats together - this is only aimed at some of the ones posting on that particular blog. In all fairness, there are also democrats that do listen and politely disagree. I have great respect for them. There are also fairly rabid right wingers (if their posts are real) who pop up once in a while, and they do their cause no good at all.
I just can't wait until this ridiculously over-drawn-out election is over.
Albatross (2015) Fuld Film Streaming
9 years ago
It would be nice if we didn't have
political parties, just regular parties.
I'll bring the beer, although if you
want the real stuff, you'll have
to import it yourself.
Just there myself from Justins Web on the 28th. They have woven what was a nice place for discussion into an insult.
GnR has a point, and like yours, I'll be glad when the election is over, though I fear for our country, Obamas messiah following is like that Pol Pot, Chavez, Castro,.... may I add Hitler.
The real fear will be evident went the power of the US is thrown behind a dictator, evil or good, it won't be better.
L8t0n down the road.
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